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Natural Products Expo Virtual

2021 Spark Change Recap

In 2021, Spark Change hosted three virtual events on the Natural Products Expo Virtual platform to bring brands, buyers, distributors, investors, media, service providers and others in the industry together to connect and learn throughout the year during an ever-changing event landscape. 

2021 Spark Change Performance Metrics:

    People gathered illustration
    15k registered attendees
    peacefull illustration new

    Audience Breakdown:

    pie chart

    We’re excited to extend and enhance this vibrant online community in 2022 with Natural Products Expo Virtual Community: a platform that continues to serve the growing natural products industry with exclusive access to insights from leading experts, virtual extensions of Natural Products Expo West and East, and a meeting space you can access from your kitchen table. NPEV Community will host monthly events and deliver premium content to enhance Natural Products Expo West and Expo East in-person events as well as a robust virtual trade show floor.

    Join NPEV Community with an All-Access Membership today.